Thursday, October 13, 2005

Power of blogs

Animesh Pathak had put this post on his blog some days back

I am not sure whether it was this blog, the fwded emails, or maybe some other things, but Animesh got 1850+ hits in 2 days...and soon enuf

And lot of action has been taken, some of which can be found here

Well, some where shows us, the power of blogs, and the world coming to a new age...

Many many years back, newspapers and the press were the main tools for people to start revolutions, inspire people to unite and fight for a common cause, and I would guess, that somewhere I see blogs in the same league....

Speaks a lot about the power of the internet (though this incident also depicts the terrific unity of students at usc, and in the US in general), and also the fact tht the world is steadily moving towards making the internet a more than integral part of their life....

I guess its the greatest invention since the wheel!...

Vinton Cerf probably deserves a Nobel Prize man!

Signing off/.///2:15 am on oct 13, 2005....

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