Sunday, August 02, 2009

An evening with Kailash Kher..

This one is one of my personal, or as I like to use the terms, senti-mental blogs . A blog which just pens down the thoughts that went through my mind at this moment. A blog that is written without ever pressing the backspace key

I went to a Kailash Kher Concert in Redwood City today . I will not say that I am a very big fan of Kailash Kher, although Allah ke Bande and the overall Sufi flavor of his music typically entice me . But today, it wasn't just the music that I was enticed with.

In this life full of joys, sorrows, problems, solutions, decisions and so many things to do, sometimes you feel

"What is this life if full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare "

And sometimes, that's what happens. Suddenly, a moment comes when you feel ecstatic. Although all the issues in your life remain where they are, you just feel happiness about being there.

And some of the things that happened

-Kailash Kher singing really well, I must say I was enjoying and he and his troupe were quite nice

-The songs and the Sufi flavor to it, which give you this amazing soothing experience

-A gathering of Indians from different parts of the bay to see the concert. It might seem funny, but when I see these guys, I feel a strange sense of brotherhood. Somewhere, I feel that we all came here on the same ship, and when I see them , I remember that we had started this voyage together. Interesting today, was that I saw a face in the crowd of someone who had come to USC on the same day as I did

-Some really sweet and cute kids. And interestingly, they also seemed to enjoy the atmosphere as people were dancing , singing and having fun. It felt so heavenly to see the joy on their faces. So innocent and pure.

-And finally, a feeling of Dance like no one's watching. Reminded me of the AIS parties while at USC. When you danced without any kind of steps or rhythm, the only purpose of the dance would be to make you feel happy

I have always thought that your goal of life should be to maximise the moments over your entire life when you absolutely feel happy and ecstatic. Guess today was one of them . Thanks Kailash Kher. Thanks , my fellow-expatriate Indians in San Francisco. and thanks to C and R for being really nice companions for the evening :)

By the way guys...if you like my blog, you can follow this blog , would be nice encouragement for me as well.

1 comment:

Rashmi Parmar said...

This is the first blog of yours that I am reading....I can perfectly relate to whatever U Have written.....nice one...!!!!